@article{Dai:2023cfd, author = "Dai, Cong and Liu, Hongbang and Xu, Ming and Feng, Huanbo and Xie, Fei and Liu, Xiwen and Huang, Yongbo and Lu, Xiang and Dong, Yongwei and Liang, Enwei", title = "{Monte Carlo simulation of HERD side-on transition radiation detector prototype}", doi = "10.1088/1748-0221/18/03/P03045", journal = "JINST", volume = "18", number = "03", pages = "P03045", year = "2023", url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-0221/18/03/P03045} }
@article{Alemanno:2023svc, author = "Alemanno, F., et al.", title = "{Status of the plastic scintillator detector for the HERD experiment}", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2023.168237", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A", volume = "1051", pages = "168237", year = "2023", url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168900223002279?via%3Dihub} }
@article{Berti:2023lah, author = "Berti, Eugenio and Mori, Nicola and Pacini, Lorenzo and Starodubtsev, Oleksandr", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection HERD facility: a future space instrument for cosmic-ray detection and gamma-ray astronomy}", doi = "10.22323/1.423.0146", journal = "PoS", volume = "ECRS", pages = "146", year = "2023", url = {https://inspirehep.net/files/43582eed059d9b91d9a9dda686a9c390} }
@article{Dai:2023ddo, author = "Dai, Yingying and Cui, Xingzhu and Liu, Xin and Dong, Yongwei and Liang, Hongwei and Zhang, Zhenzhong and Xia, Xiaochuan and Wei, Zhipeng", title = "{Study on temperature response of the HERD calorimeter cell}", doi = "10.1007/s41605-022-00377-7", journal = "Radiat. Detect. Technol. Methods", volume = "7", number = "2", pages = "227--233", year = "2023", url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41605-022-00377-7} }
@article{Perrina:2023hcp, author = "Perrina, Chiara", collaboration = "DAMPE, HERD", title = "{Cosmic rays and gamma rays with DAMPE and HERD}", doi = "10.22323/1.421.0047", journal = "PoS", volume = "NOW2022", pages = "047", year = "2023", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/421/047/pdf} }
@inproceedings{Barbato:2023qrg, author = "Barbato, F. C. T.", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The HERD space mission}", booktitle = "{16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on~Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories}", doi = "10.1142/9789811269776_0284", year = "2023", url = {https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/9789811269776_0284} }
@article{Silveri:2023mja, author = "Silveri, Leandro", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Current Status of the HERD Space Mission Design}", doi = "10.1088/1742-6596/2429/1/012006", journal = "J. Phys. Conf. Ser.", volume = "2429", number = "1", pages = "012006", year = "2023", url = {https://inspirehep.net/files/214f2a11454a2469f292df8780d73122} }
@article{Kyratzis:2022zhe, author = "Kyratzis, Dimitrios", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Latest advancements of the HERD space mission}", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2022.167970", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A", volume = "1048", pages = "167970", year = "2023", url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168900222012621?via%3Dihub} }
@article{Perrina:2023mym, author = "Perrina, Chiara", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Attaining the PeV frontier of the cosmic ray spectrum in space with HERD}", doi = "10.1051/epjconf/202328001008", journal = "EPJ Web Conf.", volume = "280", pages = "01008", year = "2023", url = {https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2023/06/epjconf_ricap2022_01008/epjconf_ricap2022_01008.html} } @article{Altomare_2022, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012127}, year = {2022}, month = {nov}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, volume = {2374}, number = {1}, pages = {012127}, author = {Altomare, Corrado and Alemanno, Francesca and F.C.T. Barbato and P. Bernardini and P.W. Cattaneo and I. De Mitri and F. de Palma and P. Dipinto and L. Di Venere and M. Di Santo and P. Fusco and F. Gargano and D. Kyratzis and F. Liciulli and F. Loparco and S. Loporchio and G. Marsella and M.N. Mazziotta and M. Mongelli and F.R. Pantaleo and M. Papagni and A. Parenti and R. Pillera and A. Rappoldi and G.L. Raselli and M. Rossella and D. Serini and L. Silveri and A. Surdo and R. Triggiani and for the HERD collaboration}, title = {Assembly and test of prototype scintillator tiles for the plastic scintillator detector of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection (HERD) facility}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012127}, }
@article{Alemanno_2022, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012120}, year = {2022}, month = {nov}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, volume = {2374}, number = {1}, pages = {012120}, author = {Alemanno, Francesca and Altomare, Corrado and F.C.T. Barbato and P. Bernardini and P.W. Cattaneo and I. De Mitri and F. De Palma and L. Di Venere and M. Di Santo and P. Fusco and F. Gargano and D. Kyratzis and F. Loparco and S. Loporchio and G. Marsella and M.N. Mazziotta and F.R. Pantaleo and A. Parenti and R. Pillera and M. Pullia and A. Rappoldi and G.L. Raselli and M. Rossella and D. Serini and L. Silveri and A. Surdo and L. Wu and on behalf the HERD collaboration}, title = {Preliminary tests of Plastic Scintillator Detector for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012120}, }
@article{Berti_2022, doi = {10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012047}, year = {2022}, month = {nov}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, volume = {2374}, number = {1}, pages = {012047}, author = {Berti, Eugenio and Pacini, Lorenzo and O Starodubtsev and A Tiberio and on behalf of the HERD Collaboration}, title = {Design and implementation of the double read-out system for the calorimeter of the HERD experiment}, journal = {Journal of Physics: Conference Series}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012047}, }
@article{Mori:2022+b, author = "Mori, Nicola and Pacini, Lorenzo", title = "{The High Energy Cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility for direct cosmic-ray measurements}", doi = "10.22323/1.414.0123", journal = "PoS", year = 2022, volume = "ICHEP2022", pages = "123", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/414/123/}, }
@article{Adriani_2022, author = {O. Adriani and M. Antonelli and A. Basti and E. Berti and P. Betti and G. Bigongiari and L. Bonechi and M. Bongi and V. Bonvicini and S. Bottai and P. Brogi and G. Castellini and C. Checchia and J. Casaus and X. Cui and Y. Dong and R. D{\textquotesingle}Alessandro and S. Detti and F. Giovacchini and N. Finetti and P. Maestro and P.S. Marrocchesi and X. Liu and J. Marin and G. Martinez and N. Mori and L. Pacini and P. Papini and C. Pizzolotto and S. Ricciarini and P. Spillantini and O. Starodubtsev and L. Stiaccini and Z. Tang and A. Tiberio and E. Vannuccini and M. Velasco and R. Wang and Z. Wang and M. Xu and G. Zampa and N. Zampa and L. Zhang}, title = {Development of the photo-diode subsystem for the {HERD} calorimeter double-readout}, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/17/09/p09002}, year = 2022, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {17}, number = {09}, pages = {P09002}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1748-0221%2F17%2F09%2Fp09002}, }
@article{Betti_2022, author = {Betti, Pietro and Adriani, Oscar and Antonelli, M. and Bai, Yonglin and Bai, Bai and Bao, Tianwei and Berti, Eugenio and Bonechi, Lorenzo and Bongi, Massimo and Bonvicini, Valter and Bottai, Sergio and Weiwei, Cao and Casaus, Jorge and Chen, Zhen and Cui, Xingzhu and D’Alessandro, Raffaello and Detti, Sebastiano and Dong, Yongwei and Finetti, Noemi and Zheng, Jinkun}, year = {2022}, month = {09}, pages = {33}, title = {Photodiode Read-Out System for the Calorimeter of the Herd Experiment}, volume = {6}, journal = {Instruments}, doi = {10.3390/instruments6030033}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/instruments6030033}, }
@article{Kyratzis:2022rxa, author = "Kyratzis, Dimitrios", collaboration = "HERD", title = {Overview of the HERD space mission}, doi = {10.1088/1402-4896/ac63fc}, url = {https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1402-4896/ac63fc}, journal = {Phys. Scripta}, volume = "97", number = "5", pages = "054010", year = "2022", }
@article{Zhang_2022, doi = {10.1088/1748-0221/17/02/c02004}, year = 2022, publisher = {{IOP} Publishing}, volume = {17}, number = {02}, pages = {C02004}, author = {L. Zhang and Y. Dong and Y. Liu and L. Ma and Q. Wu and M. Yan and S. Peng and S. Qian and C. Wang and Z. Wang}, title = {Prototype design and performance test of a cosmic ray tracker}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/17/02/c02004}, }
@article{Pacini:2021kD, author = "Pacini, Lorenzo and Adriani, Oscar and Bai, Yong-lin and Bao, Tian-wei and Berti, Eugenio and Bottai, Sergio and Cao, Wei-wei and Casaus, Jorge and Cui, Xing-zhu and D'Alessandro, Raffaello and Formato, Valerio and Gao, Jia-rui and Li, Ran and Liu, Xin and Lorusso, Leonarda and Lyu, Lin-wei and Marín, Jesus and Martínez, Gustavo and Pizzolotto, Cecilia and Qin, Jun-jun and Quan, Zheng and Shi, Da-lian and Starodubtsev, Oleksandr and Tang, Zhi-cheng and Tiberio, Alessio and Vagelli, Valerio and Wang, Bo and Wang, Rui-jie and Wang, Zhi-gang and Xu, Ming and Yang, Yang and Zhang, Li and Zheng, Jin-kun and Velasco, Miguel Angel", title = "{Design and expected performances of the large acceptance calorimeter for the HERD space mission.}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0066", journal = "PoS", year = 2021, volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "066", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/066/} }
@article{Serini:2021vek, author = "Serini, D.", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Characterization of plastic scintillator detector prototypes for the HERD experiment}", doi = "10.1393/ncc/i2021-21102-x", journal = "Nuovo Cim. C", volume = "44", number = "2-3", pages = "102", year = "2021", url = {https://www.sif.it/riviste/sif/ncc/econtents/2021/044/02-03/article/74} }
@article{HERD:2021dmn, author = "Kyratzis, Dimitrios and others", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The Plastic Scintillator Detector of the HERD space mission}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0054", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "054", year = "2021", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/054} }
@article{Perrina:2021mxw, author = "Perrina, Chiara and Azzarello, Philipp and Cadoux, Franck and Favre, Yannick and Frieden, Jennifer Maria and La Marra, Daniel and Sukhonos, Daniil and Wu, Xin", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{FIT: the scintillating fiber tracker of the HERD space mission}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0067", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "067", year = "2021", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/067} }
@article{HERD:2021yjj, author = "Fariña, Luis and others", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Gamma-ray performance study of the HERD payload}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0651", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "651", year = "2021", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/651} }
@article{Hu:2021fpp, author = "Hu, Peng and others", title = "{A preliminary simulation study of influence of backsplash on the plastic scintillator detector design in HERD experiment}", doi = "10.1007/s41605-021-00245-w", journal = "Rad. Det. Tech. Meth.", volume = "5", number = "3", pages = "332--338", year = "2021", url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41605-021-00245-w} }
@article{Berti:2021kgd, author = "Berti, E.", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Design, development and realization of the calorimeter for the HERD experiment}", doi = "10.1393/ncc/i2021-21085-6", journal = "Nuovo Cim. C", volume = "44", number = "2-3", pages = "85", year = "2021", url = { https://www.sif.it/riviste/sif/ncc/econtents/2021/044/02-03/article/57 } }
@article{HERD:2021baw, author = "Velasco Frutos, Miguel Angel and others", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The High Energy cosmic Radiation Detector (HERD) Trigger System}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0062", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "062", year = "2021", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/062/}
@article{Gargano:2021Q4, author = "Gargano, Fabio", title = "{The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility on board the Chinese Space Station: hunting for high-energy cosmic rays}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0026", journal = "PoS", year = 2021, volume = "ICRC2021", pages = "026", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/395/026/} }
@article{Altomare:2020mxf, author = "Altomare, C. and others", title = "{Particle identification capability of Plastic scintillator tiles equipped with SiPMs for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility}", doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2020.164476", journal = "Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A", volume = "983", pages = "164476", year = "2020", url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/343887276_Particle_identification_capability_of_Plastic_scintillator_tiles_equipped_with_SiPMs_for_the_High_Energy_cosmic-Radiation_Detection_HERD_facility} }
@article{Gargano:2020sid, author = "Gargano, Fabio", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD)}", doi = "10.22323/1.364.0035", journal = "PoS", volume = "EPS-HEP2019", pages = "035", year = "2020", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/364/035} }
@article{Kyratzis:2020trm, author = "Kyratzis, D.", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{HERD: The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detector}", doi = "10.1393/ncc/i2020-20117-1", journal = "Nuovo Cim. C", volume = "43", number = "4-5", pages = "117", year = "2020", url = {https://www.sif.it/riviste/sif/ncc/econtents/2020/043/04-05/article/11} }
@article{Cattaneo:2020kbc, author = "Cattaneo, P. W. and Pullia, M. and Prata, M. C. and Rappoldi, A. and Rossella, M.", title = "{Beam test characterisation of a Plastic Scintillator Prototype for the space-based cosmic ray experiment HERD}", eprint = "2005.09905", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", doi = "10.1088/1748-0221/15/07/C07027", journal = "JINST", volume = "15", number = "07", pages = "C07027", year = "2020", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.09905} }
@article{Dong:2020ugg, author = "Dong, Yongwei and Zhang, Shuangnan and Ambrosi, Giovanni", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{Overall Status of the High Energy Cosmic Radiation Detection Facility Onboard the Future China's Space Station}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0062", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "062", year = "2020", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/358/062} }
@article{Gargano:2020laq, author = "Gargano, Fabio and others", title = "{Characterization of plastic scintillator tiles equipped with SiPMs for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0069", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "069", year = "2020", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/358/069/} }
@article{Perrina:2020zbk, author = "Perrina, Chiara and Ambrosi, Giovanni and Azzarello, Philipp and Cadoux, Franck and Catanzani, Enrico and Favre, Yannick and La Marra, Daniel and Silvestre, Gianluigi and Wang, Junjing and Wu, Xin", title = "{The Tracking System of HERD}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0122", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "122", year = "2020", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/358/122/} }
@article{Pacini:2020xpk, author = "Pacini, Lorenzo", title = "{A Novel Approach to Calorimetry in Space: from CaloCube to HERD}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0120", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "120", year = "2020" }
@article{Mori:2020vxu, author = "Mori, Nicola", title = "{Payload simulation of the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) with Geant4}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0110", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "110", year = "2020" }
@article{Qiao:2020vsh, author = "Qiao, Rui", title = "{Test beam results of the HERD prototype silicon microstrip detector}", doi = "10.22323/1.358.0127", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2019", pages = "127", year = "2020", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/358/127/} }
@article{Cattaneo:2019uui, author = "Cattaneo, Paolo W.", editor = "Aramo, Carla and Buscemi, Mario and Caruso, Rossella and Colalillo, Roberta and Costa, Salvatore and Guarino, Fausto and Insolia, Antonio and Valore, Laura", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The space station based detector HERD: precise high energy cosmic rays physics and multimessenger astronomy}", doi = "10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2019.07.013", journal = "Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc.", volume = "306-308", pages = "85--91", year = "2019", url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2405601419300951} }
@inproceedings{delaTorreLuque:2019jzx, author = "de la Torre Luque, P. and others", title = "{Ion identification with the Plastic Scintillator Detector for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) experiment}", booktitle = "{8th IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Sensors and Interfaces}", doi = "10.1109/IWASI.2019.8791246", month = "6", year = "2019", url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/335071806_Ion_identification_with_the_Plastic_Scintillator_Detector_for_the_High_Energy_cosmic-Radiation_Detection_HERD_experiment} }
@article{Pacini:2019lmq, author = "Pacini, Lorenzo and Mori, Nicola", editor = "De Vincenzi, M. and Capone, A. and Morselli, A.", collaboration = "CaloCube, TIC", title = "{CaloCube and “Tracker In Calorimeter” projects for the direct measurement of high energy charged astro-particles and gamma rays}", doi = "10.1051/epjconf/201920901039", journal = "EPJ Web Conf.", volume = "209", pages = "01039", year = "2019", url = {https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2019/14/epjconf_ricap2019_01039/epjconf_ricap2019_01039.html} }
@article{Perrina:2019ube, author = "Perrina, Chiara", editor = "De Vincenzi, M. and Capone, A. and Morselli, A.", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The future of the high energy cosmic ray detection: HERD}", doi = "10.1051/epjconf/201920901040", journal = "EPJ Web Conf.", volume = "209", pages = "01040", year = "2019", url = {https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/abs/2019/14/epjconf_ricap2019_01040/epjconf_ricap2019_01040.html} }
@article{Zhang:2017lcb, author = "Zhang, Shuang-Nan and others", title = "{Introduction to the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) Facility onboard China's Future Space Station}", doi = "10.22323/1.301.1077", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2017", pages = "1077", year = "2018", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.02672} }
@article{Dong:2017vcs, author = "Dong, Yongwei and others", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{A novel 3-D calorimeter for the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) Facility onboard China's Future Space Station}", doi = "10.22323/1.301.0253", journal = "PoS", volume = "ICRC2017", pages = "253", year = "2018", url = {https://pos.sissa.it/301/253/} }
@article{Quan:2016day, author = "Quan, Zheng and others", title = "{Study of linearity of LYSO crystal for HERD calorimeter}", eprint = "1611.09128", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.ins-det", month = "11", year = "2016", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.09128} }
@article{Xu:2016ibc, author = "Xu, M.", editor = "Cataldi, Gabriella and De Mitri, Ivan and Martello, Daniele", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The High Energy Cosmic Radiation Facility onboard China's Space Station}", doi = "10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2016.10.023", journal = "Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc.", volume = "279-281", pages = "161--165", year = "2016", url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2405601416302048?via%3Dihub} }
@article{Dong:2016bmk, author = "Dong, Yongwei and others", editor = "den Herder, Jan-Willem A. and Takahashi, Tadayuki and Bautz, Marshall", title = "{Experimental verification of the HERD prototype at CERN SPS}", doi = "10.1117/12.2231804", journal = "Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.", volume = "9905", pages = "99056D", year = "2016", url = {https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org/conference-proceedings-of-spie/9905/1/Experimental-verification-of-the-HERD-prototype-at-CERN-SPS/10.1117/12.2231804.short?SSO=1} }
@article{Huang:2015fca, author = "Huang, Xiaoyuan and others", title = "{Perspective of monochromatic gamma-ray line detection with the High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection (HERD) facility onboard China's space station}", eprint = "1509.02672", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.HE", reportNumber = "TUM-HEP-1013-15, IPMU15-0158", doi = "10.1016/j.astropartphys.2016.02.003", journal = "Astropart. Phys.", volume = "78", pages = "35--42", year = "2016", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.02672} }
@article{Wang:2015ema, author = "Wang, Zhigang and Xu, Ming", title = "{Progress of the HERD detector}", doi = "10.1088/1742-6596/587/1/012027", journal = "J. Phys. Conf. Ser.", volume = "587", number = "1", pages = "012027", year = "2015", url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272298265_Progress_of_the_HERD_detector} }
@article{Zhang:2014qga, author = "Zhang, S. N. and others", editor = "Takahashi, Tadayuki and den Herder, Jan-Willem A. and Bautz, Mark", collaboration = "HERD", title = "{The high energy cosmic-radiation detection (HERD) facility onboard China's Space Station}", eprint = "1407.4866", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM", doi = "10.1117/12.2055280", journal = "Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.", volume = "9144", pages = "91440X", year = "2014", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.4866} }
@article{Xu:2014raa, author = "Xu, M. and Chen, G. M. and Dong, Y. W. and Lu, J. G. and Quan, Z. and Wang, L. and Wang, Z. G. and Wu, B. B. and Zhang, S. N.", editor = "Takahashi, Tadayuki and den Herder, Jan-Willem A. and Bautz, Mark", title = "{Monte Carlo Simulation of HERD Calorimeter}", eprint = "1407.4530", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "astro-ph.IM", doi = "10.1117/12.2055319", journal = "Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng.", volume = "9144", pages = "91443S", year = "2014", url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.4530} }
@inproceedings{Wang:2013vqa, author = "Wang, Zhigang and Xu, Ming", title = "{The HERD onboard China's Space Station}", booktitle = "{International Conference on Calorimetry for the High Energy Frontier}", year = "2013", url = {https://inspirehep.net/literature/1296329} }